In Memory

Clara Veronica Caloca Lopes
(16 years old).We miss you so much! but We see you every day in the sky to let you know how much we love you!! You will always in our hearts!! Love Mom, sis, bro, and rest of the family

July 16, 2004-September 25, 2011
Cole, you have always been our special angel. You have colored our world as you colored everything, as if it was a rainbow. You've have always stood out in a crowd; so full of happiness and expression, that you never met a stranger you didn’t have at "Hello". The love and generosity that you've always had for others is immeasurable, allowing you to create friendships so freely and easily. You have always stood up for others and everything that you believed in. You lived your life always wanting to be a hero from the tender, innocent age of 3 years old. For 2 years, you were determined to wear your Spiderman costume everywhere we went. For the next year and half, you became a Ben 10 fan, fighting aliens everywhere. From age 5-7, obsessed with the Magical World of Harry Potter, you carried your wand EVERYwhere while sporting a tattoo of Harry’s scar on your forehead because you wanted so hard to fight the darkness of evil, just like your hero, Harry Potter.
Just after your 7th birthday, you became a hero of your own fighting a very real life battle against SJS/TEN from a severe adverse drug reaction to an antibiotic. You fought so courageously, as if you’ve been in practice for years, and we couldn’t be any more proud of you for your braveness, and your strength for all you endured. Although you took a piece of all of us with you, I guess Heaven was needing a hero like youYou have touched the heart and lives of all who knew you, and many more who didn’t. We think of you, miss you, and speak your name daily. Your heavenly, angelic spirit continues to make a difference and fill our lives with happiness, love, pride, joy and inspiration through all of the wonderful memories of the 7 short years we had together.
You live in our hearts forever, and you will always be our greatest superhero. We love you always son.

Heather Cuper
Heather, you were a wonderful wife, mother, daughter and sister. You are missed by so many. I love you! Katrina Imahara (Heather’s sister) Heather fought SJS for about 2 weeks. I know she fought hard cause she is a fighter. She passed away June 2008

Hazel Britt Dobie
Hazel, You were so important in our lives and were always there for us and anyone else who needed help. You had so much to teach us. You never had a harsh word for anyone and we shall miss you and your beautiful smile forever. Yoi live in our hearts and memories. We love you, Debbie and Randi.

Troy Goode
You touched so many lives while you were on this earth and I know you will continue to do so from heaven. You will live on in the hearts and lives of everyone who knew you and loved you. We will honor you and never stop thinking about you or loving you.
Love,Mom, Jimmy, and Kyle

Maria Celia C. da Conceicao
(Celia) Maria Celia C. da Conceicao (48 years old).
Mum, you´ve always been a great example for me - and you still are. To me, you were perfect! And I wish I could be at least 50% perfect as you were. I thank the Lord for giving me such a wonderful and special mum. I thank the Lord for being your daughter. I hope you are proud of me. I think about you every day. Love, Rosane

Ty Wesley Haas
Born May 5th 1999. Passed February 17th 2007. At Shriners Hospital Cincinnati, Ohio
We all miss you, and know you tried to stay. You fought so hard, though your bad days. We miss you Son and know we will see you again. And remember We love you this much and this much and that’s not all. I still here you say that, to us ever night before bed. I just wish we could wrap our arms around you and tuck you in. But we know now that God and Mommy can. Dad and I love You, until we meet again.

Heather, you were a wonderful wife, mother, daughter and sister. You are missed by so many. I love you! Katrina Imahara (Heather’s sister) Heather fought SJS for about 2 weeks. I know she fought hard cause she is a fighter. She passed away June 2008

Tim Scardino 63, battled SJS/TEN for 8 weeks and passed away 03/30/11. Beloved dad, papa, brother and friend. Tim will be missed beyond measure. He took allopurinol for a gout diagnosis and this was the result


Heather Kathleen Odendaal recently lost her fight with SJS on 9 January 2012, she was only 50 years old. She was the most amazing, bright and loving person and will be sorely missed. She leaves behind her 3 children and her 3 sisters. If only the doctors had caught it sooner, perhaps she would have still been here today. We will miss you and love you forever

Andrew Michael: My dearest Little bear. I have no words to express how loved and missed you are. We talk about/with you EVERYDAY. I can't wait to see you again.
Mama Bear, Mikey, Teagan, Chris, Mackenzie, and Baby Hoyt

Heather Rose Kiss 3 years old.
"We miss you so much Heather. Love Mom, Dad, Tyler, Trevor and Heidi"

Emily Grace Harp
11/06/01 - 12/02/11 Little sweetest girl! How much everyone loves you and how you touched the lives of all that have had the blessings of knowing you. I love you more than everything...we never leave each other xoxo Mom

Hi my name is Stacey Prass. I’m the daughter of Gayle Friedman I’m here to tell you my story about my beautiful mom who passed away from SJS in 2019. She had kidney cancer in 2018 and was then told she was cancer free. Three months later it had spread to her lungs so they took the risk and did immunotherapy which in 2019 was only a trial. She ended up with encephalitis and was given steroids to treat the encephalitis. Well the story of my mom ended the moment the nurses gave her to many steroids which led them to believe she needed to be put on a seizure medication called DepaKote then was released from the hospital and 4 weeks later developed a rash and was rushed to Loyola Burn center and she passed away on December 13th 2019. I want to thank you for everything you do for this horrible disease and hope that today I can help everyone out there who are survivors of SJS.
Josh was a fun loving, life loving 47year old. The corner stone of our family; loving husband to Pam, father to Joshua and supportive, caring step father to my dear niece Victoria and "naughty granddad" to Casey and Caine. We miss him more than words can express and are still dealing with his sudden and tragic loss. This illness killed him in a matter of days.
Ms. Willie Upshaw (Mama)
This was a difficult decision for me, but I needed to do it so that you all can see this beautiful, wonderful person that I call Mama. I wish these pictures could tell you all the great things she did and stood for. She loved flowers and that little dog Willie. The rainbow helps me to stay focused on God's promises so that I may see my Mama again. Although she loved the flowers and the dog, her love for her children and grandchildren was unbelievable and unconditional.
Angela Wanpen Anderson was born on March 17, 1993. Angie excelled in school and was very talented musically. She started playing trumpet in grade school and continued through high school performing in concert band and marching band. In middle school she took up a second instrument, the viola and played in orchestra. She was very popular in school and outside of school. People knew her wherever she went. Where she worked, her co-workers always said it was more fun to work when she was there. She was always on the cutting edge of style and social media and one of the first to start "tweeting" when Twitter started up. She was unique, not a follower. Everybody said, "She was cool and she made people feel cool too". She had a way of making people feel comfortable around her.
People that felt like they didn't "fit in" felt like they fit in when they were around Angela. She was always there to listen or help out or say something positive when someone was down. Some people said, "She was the life of the party. The party didn't really start until she was there and when she left, the party was over". She loved to watch TV and to read. "SpongeBob Square Pants" was her favorite cartoon. She had seen every episode and could watch it from morning till night. She watched the complete "Lost" series 3 times and even had a "Lost" encyclopedia. "How I Met You Mother" was her favorite sitcom and she never missed an episode of "Survivor". She dreamed of being a contestant on that show. Angela passed away on December 28, 2015 from Steven-Johnson Syndrome. She is missed greatly by her father, mother, and by her brother Tim and a multitude of friends.

Josh was a fun loving, life loving 47year old. The corner stone of our family; loving husband to Pam, father to Joshua and supportive, caring step father to my dear niece Victoria and "naughty granddad" to Casey and Caine. We miss him more than words can express and are still dealing with his sudden and tragic loss. This illness killed him in a matter of days.

Ms. Willie Upshaw (Mama) This was a difficult decision for me, but I needed to do it so that you all can see this beautiful, wonderful person that I call Mama. I wish these pictures could tell you all the great things she did and stood for. She loved flowers and that little dog Willie. The rainbow helps me to stay focused on God's promises so that I may see my Mama again. Although she loved the flowers and the dog, her love for her children and grandchildren was unbelievable and unconditional.

Katherine M. Willis
You will always be our "Mama". We love you and miss you every day. Your "Little Girls", Patsy & Penny

Cody Dean Stickland
Age 21
Died March 3, 2010 from SJS
He was a gift from God and battled SJS for 1 month and lost is life! I will always love him and miss him! He was my nephew

Helen Klasch
Mom, You never quit teaching us about life, even now as we mourn your death. I will love you forever and I will teach all the women in our family about you and how you loved life and never gave up the fight to live. I miss you beyond words. -Marilyn

Duane Durant
Brooklyn NY
Only son of Marsha Duran

To the little girl who meant everything to us.. we miss you more than anyone could ever imagine, we miss your soft kisses, your big beautiful eyes and the warmth of your skin. Our sweet little girl.. who would’ve thought you would leave us so soon our heart aches for you. We try to be as strong as we could but we are so broken and lost without the little girl who meant everything to us. We love you so much little girl.I loved going to sleep with you in my arms and waking up every morning to that beautiful face. I always question why did god have to take the little girl who meant everything away from me, but I had to realize that he took you out this cruel world because this world didn’t deserve someone who was as strong, loving, beautiful and kind as you were. To the little girl that meant everything to us we love you and miss you so much -mommy, daddy, big brother, honey and the rest of the family Our sweet baby Nariah, was a true definition of a fighter, Nariah was born august 4th 2022 while battling epilepsy since she was 3 months old. July 7 Nariah was hospitalized for a common virus and unfortunately she had a TEN’s reaction. Nariah spent almost 2 months in the picu fighting for her life until her fight was over august 31st 2023

Mariam Khawam
Passed away August 17, 2020

You were very important in the lives of your wife, sons and grandkids. You were always there for us and anyone else who needed help. You always called to see how your grandkids were doing. Rest in PEACE, they are going to be ok. We are going to miss you and your beautiful smile forever. You live in our hearts and memories.
We love you.Tu hijo, Ricardo

Loving Mother, Grandmother, and Great-Grandmother suffered for three weeks from T.E.N., and died 2 days before her 72nd birthday. In loving memory of Louise T. Dickson November 9,1937- November 7,2009

Lloyd Venmore
11 years old from South Africa. "Our very special and precious Lloyd. We are so proud of you for having fought so bravely. Not one day goes by that you are not with us in thought. The pain of missing is often too much. We love you forever"

Vanessa Michele Roberson
born Sept 6 1988 She was a loving kind hearted child just as well as an adult. her smile would brighten up anyone’s day. She loved to sing, dance, play jokes, and just live life. Vanessa had a younger sister Stephanee that loves her deeply, they were 2 peas in a pod. Her siblings worlds were shattered on Sept 1 2009, when SJS took their sister at a tender age of 20.A disease that took her life within 3 weeks. doctors didn’t know what was wrong with her the called it a rash saying that she was going to be ok. little did we know we were going to lose her a week before her 21st birthday. on august 31 2009 We cherish every minute and every memory we had with her. keeping her alive, by talking about her is going to show people i have a sister looking over me.

Margot McClary Chaffin
I miss you so very much and wish that you had not endured all of the pain and suffering that you did. I only hope that you knew I was with you and held your hand the day before you died because you looked right at me and reached out with your hand for me. I pray that you are in a much better place today where all that you are surrounded by is good health, smiles, and loved ones. I will see you again one day, so know that I love you and that you are never forgotten.
I love you, Debbie

Venecia' Guerrero passed away December 26th, 2008. She had SJS/TEN and fought for almost a month. Over 95% of her body was compromised... She was a wonderful mother and friend and is missed dearly